Found this two camera rig by Mark Roberts Motion Control while looking for more MRMC Robo-head information. Mark Roberts Motion Control worked with Nikon and with the AFP for 6 months leading up to the London Olympic 2012 Games to custom design, build, and manufacture the very unique SFH-30 Pan Tilt Zoom Heads with additional custom Roll Axis (Portrait to Landscape) for use during the Olympic Games. There were 15 of these 2 camera MRMC SFH-30 Pan Tilt Zoom Heads installed and used at various venues within the Olympic Park.
The head featured carries 2 Nikon D4′s, one with a 200 — 400mm zoom for getting close up shots and the other one with a 70-200mm lens for slightly wider shots allowing photographers in the various locations to get the exact shots they want from positions they wouldn’t normally be able to shoot from. (Due to organizers concerns over H&S for cameramen being attached to the roof / gantry of these venues)