RED is suing Wooden Camera in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California case No. 12CV1336WQHRBB.
Nature of the Suit: Intellectual Property – Patent.
Cause: 15:1125 (a) Trademark Infringement (Lanham Act)

Wooden Camera A Lock

RED V Mount

The RED complaint with Wooden Camera has been lodged with the civil courts regarding:
Patent infringement
Trade Dress infringement
Unfair competition
False designation of Origin
The filing or determination of an action regarding patent and/or trademark number(s) US D654,110S : (vam) on the 5th of June 2012.

Wooden Camera Nato Cage 4 Arm

RED Tactical Rib Cage

RED has six claims for relief:
One claim for Patent Infringement and five claims for Trade Dress Infringement

Patent Infringement:
V-Mount, DSMC

Trade Dress Infringement:
V-Mount, DSMC
Tactical Ribcage, DSMC
Tactical Cage, DSMC
UniversalMount (15mm and 19mm)
Swat Rail

Wooden Camera Alleged Patent Infringement:
A-Lock Mount

Wooden Camera Alleged Trade Dress Infringement:
A-Lock Mount
Nato Cage (2 arms and 4 arms)
Nato Cage + (19mm and 15mm)
Cheese Cage
Cheese Cage + (19mm and 15mm)
Ultimate Top Mount (15mm and19mm)
Tiny-versal 15mm Studio
Tiny-versal 19mm
Safety NATO Rail

RED is seeking compensation to the order of:
An assessment and award of damages against Defendant in an amount no less than RED’s lost profits, Defendant’s profits or a reasonable royalty for Defendant’s infringement of RED’s trade dress rights in its V-Mount, DSMC Tactical Ribcage, DSMC Tactical Cage, DSMC Universal Mount (15mm and19mm) and Swat Rail products pursuant to 15 USC § 1125(a) : Plus an order requiring Defendant to deliver up and destroy all infringing digital cinema camera accessories/

Odd part about the claim can be sussed out at Paragraph 16:

As a result, RED has been damaged significantly in the digital cinema accessory market. RED contends and believes that its image and the reputation of its products has been tarnished and diminished by Defendant’s sale of RED copy sunglasses of inferior quality.

Sunglasses are mentioned quite a few times throughout the claim so go on have a read of the court documents thanks to v. Wooden Camera

Camera component (US patent D654110)

Watch this space and seek out RED and Wooden Camera if you like.

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