We know one high profile Shooter / Movie Maker has talked about the alleged existence of a yet to be released Canon EOS DSLR form factor 4K cinema camera ready to be announced at or at least shown at NAB 2012. Yes there were drinks at the event, but the passion resonated that such a small camera was near. We also know that gear vendors are going to the Canon The Story Continues screening to be held on Sunday the 15th of April in Las Vegas. Will we see a Canon C300 blown up all big with 4K sensor in it, or a DSLR form factor camera beefed up sitting between the new EOS 1D X and the Canon C300 cameras. Pure guessing here: If the Camera is above C300 specs we will go with Canon EOS C350 for the name and if it sits below the C300 and above the EOS 1D X we will go with Canon EOS C100 for the cameras name. Or is there two Canon EOS Cine cameras coming?
As Canon says “Additional Information To Follow”
Canon April 15th The Story Continues with EOS 4K DSLR Camera Maybe: