LockCircle has announced a new edition to their family:

The PRIME CIRCLE professional filters for filmmakers, videographers and photographers.

The Prime Circle filters are a complete line of cost-effective 4 X 4″ and 4 X 5,65″ filters with high grade professional quality without compromise.

PrimeCircle Professional Filter

PrimeCircle filters are diamond cut from German Ultra-White optical glass, the best quality solution for modern high resolution lenses!

The parallel relationship between front and rear surfaces

(important for the best optical performance) is verified with a laser interferometer and a densitometer is used for testing consistent density. To check proper light transmission is also used a spectrophotometer!

PrimeCircle Professional Filters

Two sizes are available right now: 4 X 4″ and 4 X 5,65″ in a full range of Technical, Diffusion and ND Grad filters for the modern digital production needs.

In the Technical section are available the IRND X-FS Extended Full Spectrum, optimized for digital sensors and reformulated with nearly flat attenuation of both visible spectrum light and infrared light, the classic ND filters, Hot-Mirror, Circular and Linear Polarizers.

In the Diffusion section are availbale the Black X-Mist and White X-Mist series designed to add “magic organic” to every digital “rasor edge” shot.

The ND Grad section has the basic “hard and soft” edge graudated filters important to cover several tricky light conditions or adding power and control to landscapes shots! ND Grad are often not only used to control high contrast outdoor scenes but used to design sophisticated framings.

For more information about the Prime Circle filter range please hit up LockCircle.

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