Atomos Ninja

Announced during IBC 2010 was the Atomos Ninja a new Portable High Quality Video Hard Disk Recorder for DSLR Cameras priced at £795+. The Atomos Ninja offers to by pass in camera compression to record your pri... Read More...
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Shoot Blue Shoulder Rig Prototype

Always excited to see new gear hit the market and we were privileged to have Shoot Blue share their Prototype DSLR Shoulder Rig and Cage pictures with us which we Tweeted straight away. Got a great response wit... Read More...
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Genus Shoulder Rig

Steve from Genus Products gets a gong in this video showing off the Genus DSLR Shoulder Rig. A sweet little number it is too! shoulder rig from Steve Rushworth on Vimeo. Genus creates innovative products ... Read More...