ikan have slipped out a look at a Flyweight shoulder rig prototype that is coming to NAB 2012. The Flyweight rig shown here is a barebones version or some may call it a naked Flyweight from ikan. NAB is hotting up and the amount of goodies coming is amazing, be sure to keep ikan on your list of booths to see.
ikan have shared some of their findings from testing the Flyweight shoulder rig:
the handle bars actually have comfortable grips, with reinforced rubber feet for setting down.
they don’t slip and spin anymore around the bar (if you know, you know. rejoice with me!)
the cross-bar connectors no longer utilized some wonky 15RDA contraption to change axis.
large and small base plates are compatible (ele-lbp and ele-sbp), includes tripod mounting. this means you can use both your dslr and larger form factor camera or camcorder.
padded shoulder brace, lightweight and sturdy, designed to place the camera as close to your body’s pivot point as possible (above the shoulder) to reduce rolling shutter on video takes.
because of light-weight improvement, less fatigue holding rig up.
goes hand-in-hand with your favorite evf or small on camera monitor (I’ve been using the VL5 because of its simplicity and size).
room for follow focus and matte box.
Keep an eye on ikan for more details on the Flyweight rigs.
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