From Adi Geisegger…
ALEXA Mini TheFocus "Behind the Scene" from Adi Geisegger on Vimeo.
camera / Arri Alexa Mini
lenses / Zeiss Ultra Primes 8mm, 16mm, 20mm, 32mm, 65mm Compact Primes Superspeed 35mm, 50mm, 85mm
Gimbal / Freefly M15 and Freefly Tero with M10
follow Focus / Arri WCU-1
the focus from Adi Geisegger on Vimeo.
One focus, one mat, one spot-
for boundless possibilities for floor exercise performances. An athlete tries to explain by his moves what's going on his mind before a competition…
gymnast / simon strobel
director and dop / adi geisegger
camera & edit / chris boyes and adi geisegger
sounddesign & narrator / peter rösner
focus & camera asistent / susanne bernhard
grading / bianca rudolph & martin florian
set photographer / thomas defner
rc car tero operator and puscher on ice / wolfgang hogen
gymnast asistent / stefan weber
special thanks for the support to:
Arri & Freefly Systems
michael jonas, syna greiser, susanne mayer, henning rädlein, jeanfre fachon, philip vischer
and my friend ravi mahbubani from india