twentysomething is an Australian television series about Jess (Jess Harris) and Josh (Josh Schmidt) who are best friends, housemates and twenty something. While their friends finish uni degrees, climb the corporate ladder and settle down, Jess and Josh live for the weekend. According to John Brawley DOP an initial test for one of scenes was shot three times using a Sony EX3, a RED One and a Canon 1D MKIV. After assessing the graded footage from all three cameras from that scene it was decided the show would be shot on the Canon 1D MKIV DSLR camera. Check the BTS of twentysomething and keep an eye out for a unique use of a Cinesaddle.

twentysomething BTS


twentysomething Teaser:

Thanks to John for the videos and please read more about John Brawley’s experience shooting twentysomething.

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