Over on the Cinematographers Mailing List (CML), Pioneer camera inventor Jean-Pierre Beauviala of Aaton fame has had some very kind words to say about the new Sony a7R II camera.
As well as making 16mm and 35mm cameras Jean-Pierre also invented the Cantar audio recorders and could be considered to be the father of modern documentary making. So if he makes a statement inferring the door is now closed to shoulder mounted run and gun cameras… Well you may want to take another look at the Sony a7R II camera for your next project.
Here is Jean-Pierre’s comment lifted but not edited.
This is the future of documentary filmmaking. Even more so when its ultra sharp EVF, shifted to the Leica-M side, totally clears the field of view of the left eye, and lets the nose bone play the third guiding reference.
The time of the ‘cat on the shoulder’ is over; `from now it is back nestled nicely against your nose.
Jean-Pierre Beauviala
With that type of praise you could almost certainly take it to the bank, the Sony a7R II camera is set to have 5D MII status in the annals of filmmaking history.