The Ghost Brushless Gimbal Camera Rig:

The 8 More Brushless Gimbal Camera Rigs and a Break in Timecode to Follow post we bashed out was done by simply typing in two keywords in the Google search engine. We then looked at the last two weeks of result... Read More...

Hit The Red Button: The El Niño Edition:

Welcome again to another installment of Hit The Red Button where we serve up bite sized snack portions of the weekly coming and goings in the camera gear gear world and the social networks that feeds at its tee... Read More...

Game Changer and Killer Camera Bullshit

How I hate hearing and seeing the words "Game Changer" and "Killer" put next to or near the word camera or indeed anything to do with cameras. Every new camera or camera accessory that comes out, is about to co... Read More...