Zhiyun Camera Stabilizer Z1 Crane Review

Fenchel & Janisch review the Zhiyun Z1 3-axis stabilizer crane from Zhiyun-Tech. The Z1 crane can take a payload of up to 350g to 1200g. Except the three modes it could also realize functions like camera foc... Read More...

Is a Jib or Crane Right For You?

Andyax asks the question do you need a jib or a crane in your filmmaking arsenal? The jib we are testing is called iFootage Minicrane M1-III. It’s easy to take apart, and it get’s quite small. In addition it... Read More...

The Boda Jib:

Zero tools to unfold a travel jib, and set up time is a minute or two. Can take a RED and an ARRI camera no worries. Fold down to a backpack size. Is this a dream? No it is the Boda J... Read More...

Cambo V5 Mini Crane:

The V5 is a small but powerful mini crane by Cambo for DSLR and small video camera. The boom is a 3 section telescopic crane that allows us to reach a height of around 4 meters. The vertical mechanical head a... Read More...