Cineroid on Camera L10C LED Light Review:

As far as quick camera gear reviews go this is the way to do it. The crew at EVS nail this Cineroid L10C LED on camera light review. The compact on board light from the famous EVF makers Cineroid has two unique... Read More...

Universal EVF Mount by Wooden Camera:

The Wooden Camera Universal EVF Mount will accept most current EVFs on the market today. It is a great addition to the Red Epic and Scarlet as well as the Red One. It is also useful for HDSLR production and th... Read More...

Cineroid EVF PA01 Power Adapter:

If you picked up that yes there is an almighty EVF on the market and not just a concept or a fake award winner then it may interest you that the Cineroid EVF now comes with a power adapter. The Cineroid PA01 po... Read More...

Cineroid EVF Pictures & Full Details:

So if you were quick enough a few weeks ago and you were one of the lucky 20 viewers, you would have seen a new extensive video showing off in detail the Cineroid EVF in action. Sadly that video was taken d... Read More...

Cineroid EVF Slideshow:

Simple and quick packshots of the Cineroid EVF. Is it coming? We know it is. Can we say anymore, sadly we can't. Soon, and let's see how long it takes till we get asked to take this video post down :) Fo... Read More...