Tim Smith From Canon at Cine Gear 2013:

Once again Curt Pair working with Band Pro Film & Digital has knocked a trade show interview out of the park.... Curt caught up with Canon's Film and Television Advisor Tim Smith to talk about all things C5... Read More...

Deity Mira Viewfinder Now Available:

On Twitter and Facebook it says that the Deity Mira Viewfinder is now available. However the actual website still states the old message that the Mira is available only for preorder. Well when you do get your D... Read More...

Petrol Bags NAB Lineup Announced:

Petrol Bags announced that it will be premiering new audio and camera bags and accessories at 2013 NAB. The company introduces the Deca Large Lightweight Audio Bag (PS617) that is optimally designed for Soundi... Read More...