Band Pro Reveal New APO Macro FF Lenses

IB/E President, Klaus Eckerl and Band Pro President & CEO, Amnon Band unveiled a new line of professional APO Macro FF lenses at Band Pro’s One World Open House event on December 10th, 2015. The new ma... Read More...

Band Pro at IBC 2014:

Band Pro Film & Digital have announced they will be attending IBC 2014. Band Pro's booth will feature the best new acquisition tools including Leica Summicron-C lenses, IB/E Optics extenders and converte... Read More...

Band Pro CineGear 2014 Lineup Announced:

Our good friends at Band Pro are happy to let you know that if you're in LA Friday, June 6th or Saturday, June 7th, then you are welcome to stop by Cine Gear LA and visit the Band Pro in Booth #70 (outside on t... Read More...

What is the Fuss RED V ARRI Court Battle:

As you may or may not know RED and ARRI are having a very royal stink and right now the crocodile tears are either visible or the doe is in the headlights depending on what colour you see with. But just in case... Read More...