From Soderberg Films

SoderbergFilms Lens Shootout Round I from Soderberg Films on Vimeo.

SoderbergFilms Lens Shootout Round I

Round I of the lens shootout put on by Soderberg Films and Mac House Productions in San Francisco. We wanted to create a comparison that focuses more on the feel of the lenses rather than technical aspects (like using charts). Hopefully these comparisons can help you choose which set makes most sense on your next shoot.
I should also add that all of the shots have been color balanced using temperature and tint to match.

Camera used:
Red Epic Dragon (STH OLPF)

The lenses tested (all available for rent):
Zeiss Ultra Primes
Kowa Anamorphics
Kowa Prominar Spericals
Zeiss Mark II Super Speeds
Cooke S2 Speed Panchros
Lomo T2.3 Sphericals
Zeiss Rollei/Jena

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