Sachtler is planning its 2013/14 catalog. They say, because a cover should represent what a company is all about, Sachtler wants its users to show how they perceive the brand and its values by offering a photo competition. The best shot will be shown on the cover of the new Sachtler catalog and its contributor will get a free Sachtler FSB 8 tripod system with a Speed Lock tripod. Sachtler Ace M MS tripod systems will be given-away to two participants in a random drawing.

Sachtler is a brand that’s especially focused on its users and their needs. This is why Sachtler decided that the best catalog cover is a photo taken by its users showing how they work with Sachtler camera support. This gives users the chance to have their projects shine because they are the ones who know best what filmmaking is all about and that the challenges of good equipment are: versatility, reliability and an easy handling.

It’s all about participation

The Sachtler Catalog Cover Competition will take place until December 10, 2012. To join, participants are asked to upload up to three behind-the-scenes photos and a description of the most impressive filmmaking project they realized with Sachtler equipment. A jury consisting of Cinematographer Richard Ladkani, Global Brand Manager Tobias Keuthen and the Creative Director of Sachtler’s communication agency Sommer Kommunikation GmbH, Frank Bernhard Übler, will choose the winning shot that will make it on the cover of the 2013/14 Sachtler Catalog.

For more on the competition visit the Sachtler Facebook page or the Sachtler website

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