RTMotion announce compatibility between RTMotion MK3.1 smart-motors and the upcoming MōVI Pro from Freefly. Work on the ‘MōVI Pro Smart Cable’ is underway and scheduled for completion in early 2017.

Demand for RTMotion smart-motors to integrate with the MōVI Pro has been very apparent since the Pro’s unveiling, and now work has begun on an smart cable to make this happen.

How will RTMotion Motors be supported?

RTMotion motors can not directly plug-and-play into the MōVI Pro, as they have integrated drive electronics to support an advanced brushless drive motor. The solution is a smart-cable which connects to the MoviPro’s COM port, commanding the RTMotion motors in pristine 16bit digital.

For updates on plans for the RTMotion “MOVI PRO SMART CABLE”, subscribe to the RTMotion Mailing List!

What is a smart-motor?

RTMotion motors are closed-loop brushless servo systems that have the servo driver built in to the motor housing. This allows for the use of a unique brushless drive motor, and fine tuning between driver firmware and motor to provide precision and performance which would otherwise be impossible to achieve.

RTMotion motors are the worlds first brushless vector drive lens motors – faster response, smoother, quieter, high resolution encoder, no cogging, no sparking and 4x the service life of brushed motors.
We call them smart-motors.

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