A quick look at the Rosco Silk 305 extremely colour-accurate, high-quality light.

Utilizing proprietary, state-of-the-art, tungsten & daylight balanced LEDs, Silk LED fixtures produce a high volume of broad-spectrum white light. With TLCI, CRI and R9 metrics in the high 90’s, the Silk 305 is capable of producing 3050 Lux @1M, a color temperature range of 2800K – 6500K, and an enticingly soft light output that gently embraces its subjects.

The fixture also features precise on-board control of its dimming and color temperature, as well as multiple DMX modes – including Wireless DMX via LumenRadio!

To learn more about the Silk 305 LED Soft Light, visit: https://us.rosco.com/silk305

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