Review of the Paralinx Ace

Reece of Northwoods Community Church takes the Paralinx Ace for a spin and shows off how wireless video systems enable new possibilities for their webcasts. The Paralinx Ace wireless video transmission syste... Read More...

Lupo Superpanel Light Review

Peter from Hong Kong based A&S Broadcast conducts a CCT, Lux and CRI test with the Italian Lupo Superpanel light. Please see A&S Broadcast for more information: Read More...

A Look At The LeoFoto LV-20 Video Kit

Frank Suero takes a look at the Leofoto LV-20 video tripod kit. This video kit is a complete kit with aluminum legs that support her 20Kilos and a 75mm half ball head that support 10KG and offer a counterbal... Read More...