Lately Kickstarter has had zero appeal to me, and that is for a myriad of reasons. This Reflex camera rig caught my eye though quite by accident. The Reflex Kickstarter campaign was suggested to me via the Cinescopophilia page we started up, and well it is kind of like, blah blah blah, yak yak yak another Kickstarter page. But we thought this rig has potential so we did some research and found the Knoptop video that we think nailed why the camera rig is something special and needs your attention and needs to be backed on Kickstarter. The twist lock handles, the quick release everything, and the swivel adjust shoulder pad, plus the price of the rig system is going to put the Reflex shoulder camera rig on your things you must check out list.

Reflex Shoulder Camera Rig
Reflex Camera Rig

The Reflex shoulder camera rig has been tested on DSLR cameras as well as a Sony FS700 and handled nicely the guys say. For more information on the Reflex shoulder camera rig try the Reflexfab website and the Reflex Kickstarter website.

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