August 2013 and Jim Jannard, founder of RED Digital Cinema slips back from those famous late night posts on REDUser.
Fast forward to February 2015 and crash bang wallop, it’s short sharp and explosive keyboard typing.
Jim posts his thought on what some have called a controversial name for a camera system, “Weapon.”
“We are at war with conventional thinking.”
Topic is now closed!
It is worth bearing in mind that Weapon was first Trade Marked #77785125 by RED as time pieces, namely, clocks, watches and components thereof, and back then Weapon-X was also Trade Marked #77785136 as clocks etc.
If you need exact info on what the Weapon camera is from RED then thanks to Phil Holland, as he has summarised the known knowns.
Thus far Jarred has confirmed a few things that are useful for Mysterium-X and Dragon owners to know regarding Weapon. He’s sharing this information earlier than expected primarily to give everybody a head start to plan accordingly.
– Red Weapon is an Upgrade for Red Dragon cameras. You must own or upgrade to Dragon to be eligible for the Upgrade.
– Epic and Scarlet Dragon Camera Brains are eligible for the Weapon Upgrade.
– Mysterium-X to Dragon Upgrades will be ending around late June 2015. Upgrades have been running since 2013.
– From Monday February 23rd you will be able to upgrade from Mysterium-X to Dragon again at the price of $9500.
– Red Weapon Upgrades will have priority based on the time stamp of your order. Carbon Fiber lines will have priority.
– It is possible to pay for the Dragon Upgrade and then pay-up to the Weapon Upgrade.
– Red Weapon Upgrades are expected to begin around Summer/Fall 2015.
– Red Weapon will be using MINI-MAG Red Media and it’s not planned to support the 1.8″ REDMAG Media likely due write speeds increasing and form factor.
– Existing DSMC Lens Mounts will be compatible with Red Weapon.
– There will be an Epic Dragon to Carbon Weapon Upgrade Path
– Red Weapon will have a full unveiling at NAB 2015. (Or sooner if Jarred gets keyboard trigger happy again!)
** As for what exactly all of this is, we don’t officially know just yet.