RED‘s President Jarred Land has reached into his big RED Santa Sack and awarded what must be one of the most generous acts yet by a camera manufacturer by awarding each team that participated in the recreation of the original 1984 Die Woodys Fichtl’s Lied video a RED Weapon 6K Camera each.

From Jarred’s Facebook post:

Something really great happened this week. It all started with an awesome little video from the 80s that Ivan Agerton sent me which turned into a whole group of people getting together with friends and family to shoot something over the last few days.
It was clear early on it that it really wasn’t about the winning a camera…but more why most of us all are here.. no matter how successful or not-successful we have become.. there is that little bug inside all of us that makes us want to pick up a camera and just create something.
It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad.. big budget or no budget… something just makes us need to shoot… Even when it makes people outside our little circle think we have completely lost our minds.
More than a dozen of you showed incredible spirit and passion and generosity mixed with a little bit of insanity and I really need to thank you for reminding me after such an incredibly big year for RED that it’s not really about the big things at all..
It’s the little things.
For that… thank you all. I really can’t tell you how much it means to me and everyone at RED that some of you really are just as crazy as us.
To everyone that submitted their version of the film… Instead of picking one I have decided that each and every one of you are going to get a new Weapon 6k.
Merry Xmas and thank you for making one of the best years 14x better.
And to Pascal and Tom the original Woodys, Thank you for simply just kicking ass. Jan Reiff you are a rockstar.

The original Die Woodys – Fichtl’s Lied

Just one of the many submissions to Jarred for the crazy comp.

Die Woodys – Fichtl’s Lied covered by Store abT for Jarred Land

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