May not be much but Ted does say in this little interview that “Next year I expect a whole lot of movies being shot with this camera” OK so nothing this year then?
Ted does say they are still building so no price other than somewhere around $6000 for the camera at this stage.
REDMOTE is there and looking hot, as is the cameras touch screen menu.
The camera we see here is close to being the final look of the release version of the Scarlet 8X fixed camera according to Ted.
So at 9.30 minutes in this interview we get to see more than we really have before of the RED Scarlet 8X fixed camera.

Ted Schilowitz from RED Digital Cinema was in Park City for the 2011 Sundance Film Festival.
I was able to meet with him to discuss the Scarlet 8X Fixed camera that he brought with him.
I originally did this for the French website which is why the intro/outro is in (bad) French.
I’m working on sub-titles…
Ted was invited to dinner that night but still took the time to meet with me for a few minutes.
Ted is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet!

For more info see RED.
Many thanks to UtahCameraRentals for filming the interview.

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