Back June 15th RagLite Technology cancelled their RagLite Kickstarter campaign early. For the record the Raglite Kickstarter campaign had 143 backers, with $19,603 pledged out of a $25,000 goal before it was ended.

So, RagLite turned up on that other popular crowd funding site Indigogo. Yeah you say… How they doing this time? With about 70 hours left to go to get their money, the campaign has 79 backers raising $15,293 out of a $25,000 goal.

With the Kickstarter all or nothing rules, the winner may just be that light on a rag even if the campaign fails with Indiegogo.

RagLite Cines are professional flexible LED lighting for the film, video and photographic industries. Throw it on the floor, hang it from above, mount it to the walls, place it over objects, hold it in your hand, secure it to your body or attach it to our proprietary velcro framing and stand system. Wherever you need light, “Grab a RagLite”


RagLite Cines are built with Color-Correct 95 CRI LED & 0%-100% Flicker-Free Dimmers powered by LiteGear.

For more: RagLite Indiegogo.

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