Motion Dogs, creators of the open source Lenzhound Wireless Follow Focus, today announced the release of their innovative gimbal balance tool, the Procyon Z43 for Ronin M and MX gimbal stabilizers. In the quest for achieving perfect balance on a gimbal, the Procyon Z43 Gimbal Balance Locator is the new way to dial in the exact center of gravity. It gives users the ability to precisely set the fore-and-aF posi#on of the camera plate. The unit is being offered at a special introductory price of $89.50 USD.


The Z43 Balance Locator is simple to use and saves balancing #me on set. It provides immediate and continuous access to fine tune the camera locaton fore-and-aF. The Procyon jaws securely grip the Ronin camera base plate. By loosening the socket cap screw on the Ronin base clamp, control is transferred to the lead screw of this rad liUle gimbal dog. This eliminates the inefficient routine of repeatedly clamping and unclamping the Ronin camera base and the hit-or-miss balance results.


Procyon, (a la Alpha Canis Minoris) is a new series of gimbal balance loca#on tools. The Z43 is specific for Ronin M and MX. Release of the Procyon Z54, for the original DJI Ronin, is slated to follow shortly.


• Mounts up to exis#ng threaded holes on Ronin Clamp Base
• Lightweight; just over .5 ounces (14.2 grams)
• Anodized aluminum frame and jaw construc#on
• Stainless steel lead screw and clamp screw
• Lubricant impregnated washers and bearings
• 72mm x 71mm x 19mm
• 26mm of adjustment throw



“We had been seeing the need for a balance locator on our own rig. That’s where these things typically start,” said Daniel Arbogast, VP and Chief Technical Officer at Motion Dogs. “Turns out the idea had some trac#on with beta testers so, off we went. We’re all about solving the same problems that we see a lot of other people running into out there.”



MoMon Dogs is based in beau#ful San Luis Obispo, CA where we con#nue to ship, support and develop the Lenzhound Wireless Follow Focus. Our founders have been producing television and mo#on picture projects since 2001 including the feature length documentary “BOTSO” – – which won five audience awards at film fes#vals domestically and interna#onally and was a New York Times CriMcs Pic. Motion Dogs is dedicated to creating professional film produc#on tools, such as the Lenzhound Wireless Lens Control System, available and affordable for independent filmmakers.

More detailed information about the Procyon Balance Locator, including photos and video, can be found on Motion Dogs WEBSITE or by contacting David Thayer at Motion Dogs – or (805) 788-2080.

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