The Panther special edition Twister Dolly provides whole new possibilities in agility, versatility and thus in speed of operation.

Panther Twister Dolly

Central feature are the combined tyre and track wheels. They allow for camera movements on track (62 cm / 2 ft gauge) or on ground without the need for time consuming conversion. Furthermore the Twister glides with an overall width of 78 cm / 2’7’’ through any door with ease.

By the three selectable steering modes FRONT, REAR and ROUND-A-ROUND the Twister Dolly twists cleverly in all directions and navigates exactly around the motive. According to the requirements either the front wheels or the back wheels move independently from each other or all four wheels move together. By the minimum inner turning radius of 42 cm / 1’8’’ also narrow curves are easy to run.

Both steering axes have an optimized steering geometry for cornering with low dynamic friction (thus minimal operating noise) and accurate movements. Thus circular shots are also repeatable without tracks.

Please hit up Panther for more information about their special edition Twister Dolly.

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