Richard Gale from Dog Schidt Optiks tests the Oliva-Scope 1.5X Anamorphic with a single coating under low lighting conditions.
OLIVIA-SCOPE 1.5X Anamorphic – Final Coatings Response Evaluation – Low Light from Melting Bloke (Richard Gale) on Vimeo.
Low light reference footage to show how the lens coatings (Single Coatings) flare and respond to natural urban lighting. a 1968 Leica Summicron-R 35mm/2 was used as a taking lens on the Sony A7Sii shooting in cine4 profile. As you will see, the lens is responsive to light sources but with good control over flare. When required the lens will flare beautifully (as illustrated by the Iphone flash test). Defocus distortion is also noticeable – even when at this very wide fov.
We were running with iso set to 6400iso with no additional lighting – using just the available street lighting as our illumination. As you will see, OLIVIA-SCOPE 1.5X delivers a stunningly refined image – even when presented with the challenge of wide field of view and fast aperture onto a full frame sensor. Zero chromatic aberration, refined defocus characteristics, superb in-focus intelligibility, unparalleled light transmission capability.
For Alexa (2.8k s35mm mode), or RED 5k/6k users, a fast 25mm/f1.4 in combination with OLIVIA-SCOPE 1.5 will deliver very similar results to those seen here – the reduction in sensor size will yield a very slight improvement in overall image quality – specifically be a noticeable reduction in astigmatism. In combination with Zeiss Master Primes or Leica Summilux-C lenses we expect OLIVIA-SCOPE 1.5X to become the first choice for when ultra-refined anamorphic imagery is desired.