From Pacific Motion Control

NBC Believe Promo - Behind the Scenes - Filmed with the Cheetah Dolly

This promo is called “Feel It” and was filmed with the Cheetah high-speed motion control Dolly from Pacific Motion Control. The Cheetah dolly was used to film multiple passes, including background plates, special effects (cars falling), and actor passes.

In a shot like this, many times actors are filmed separately from special effects for safety. These multiple passes are then combined in post for a seamless effect.

In order to ensure that all passes match, Kuper motion control software provides camera sync, via a shutter pulse from film or professional digital cameras (Red Epic, Arri Alexa), or through video sync (Genlock) by using a converter.

Kuper can also be slaved to timecode to allow for synced audio. The spot was filmed at Disney’s Golden Oak Ranch on a Phantom high-speed camera.

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