Did you know that Mosaic Opto-Electronics, Inc. or Mosaic Engineering as they are better know have introduced the VAF-70D Video Aliasing Filter for the Canon 70D camera. It’s their newest member of their lineup of popular optical anti-aliasing and anti-moiré filters for DSLR video cameras.
Mosaic Engineering have an increasing number of VAF series of optical anti-aliasing filters that now support the Canon 6D, 7D, 60D, 70D, 5D Mark II, T2i/550D, T3i/600D, and T4i/650D, as well as the Nikon D600, D800 cameras.
These unique photographic accessories optically correct the well-known moiré and aliasing artefacts common in DSLR video.
Mosaic Engineering also develop and supply:
Digital cameras and imaging modules.
Optical anti-aliasing filters, subassemblies, and systems.
Precision instrumentation and acquisition systems.
Real-time image and signal processing platforms.
Please see Mosaic Engineering for more about their VAF series of optical anti-aliasing filters.