On the Facebook page of Schneider Optics they once again teased their upcoming 14mm Cine Xenar lens which was launched at IBC 2013, and they stated that it will be available soon!

All good, we knew that bit. Well in addition to the Cine Xenar lens promo, Schneider Optics have also stated that they have more full frame prime focal lengths to come.

Schneider-Kreuznach Cine Xenar III 14mm Lens

We went back through our coverage of Schneider Optics press releases from this year and haven’t seen any mention of new glass coming after the 14mm Cine Xenar lens, so this is welcome news from Schneider about new full frame glass from them.

Schneider Lens Status

Hit Schneider Optics up for more information about their complete range of camera lenses.

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