Are you sitting down? Good, oh hey you with the iPhone and friggin iPad sit down and listen up. Got word of a new Motion Control or MoCo rig today that is under development and will break from old school coding and blow up the MoCo world with software written in Python & C++.

The MoCo rig that this will control is at the evolvement stage with a miniature rig first being built for macro/packshot type filming. The new style MoCo rig will be designed for smaller lighter cameras such as the RED EPIC, DSLR’s and Cine Compacts etc. The software is currently supporting 3-axis control – support for further axes will be added as development continues. Expect smother sexier more Pro like footage and friends worshiping you for being the top dog of moving shots if you use one of these MoCo rigs. NB actual results may vary, consult a certified workshop for validation.

Don’t bug me for information just keep watching as the development is rounding the corner and we will bring you the various rigs being built as they are leaked to us. Shoot Blue outed themselves as the developers of this new style MoCo, and if like all of their other rigs they have made this one should be a cracker.

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