Filmsourcing is a free pre-production platform for sharing filmmaking resources such as cast, crew and locations. The service is designed for the next generation of filmmakers, who will have to be more resourceful, better connected and multi disciplined.
Filmsourcing makes it easier to find the right people with the right gear, locations and opportunities.
We’re currently getting new users and great feedback from all over the world! It sounds like the filmmakers have been waiting for something like this – a quick tool instead of another social media hangout. We want to build a whole ecosystem of filmmaking tools. – Sami Tuomisalo, Founder of Filmsourcing
Filmsourcing also have Smart Scout (working title) a mobile app designed to make location scouting fast and easy. It also connects to everything on Filmsourcing cast, crew… etc etc, bringing the whole scouting experience on to your mobile phone. The greatest thing since gaffer tape!
Smart Scout is currently being crowdfunded through IndieGoGo, and you can see what it’s all about here at the Filmsourcing Beta site.