Based on the design and the ergonomics of the old Aaton LTR series cameras, David A. Ford and Peter Schneider from Ergocine are making new wooden rigs purposelessly built to house the latest cameras. Aaton where approached and have wholeheartedly approved of the idea with only one stipulation, that the guys put “Honorary Aaton Shoulder Cat” on one of the rigs.
Ergocine BCG – Black Cherry Grip
The hand grip is a Aaton style single sided hand relief handle. It comes with a light weight 15mm rod support.
At this time it only available for the right hand. The BCG with 15mm rod support goes for $575.00.
Honorary Aaton Shoulder Cat – 7D, 5D & GH2
A la cart the handle is $575.00 and the body (Honorary Aaton Shoulder Cat) is $925.00, as a package the price is $1250.00. This is a introductory price it will increase by 25% after the first run of 10 units.
The Ergocine – Lion for the C300 / Epic & Scarlet
A la cart the handle is $575.00 and the body is $1125.00, as a package the price is $1450.00. This is a introductory price it will increase by 25% after the first run of 10 units. Note the rig requires that you supply your own base plate, the ARRI plate is optimal.
Please see Ergocine for more on the Black Cherry Grip, Honorary Aaton Shoulder Cat, and the Ergocine Lion.