eMotimo spectrum st4 and Rhino Camera Gears's EVO Slider Integration – First Look from eMotimo on Vimeo.
The eMotimo spectrum st4 is a 4-axis motion controller with pan and tilt built in. It is meant for cameras 12 lbs and lower. It integrates and drives 2 additional powered axis like slide and focus. It is controlled by either the included wireless gaming remote, or the navigation joystick on the side of the unit.
More info:emotimo.com/spectrum
Store: store.emotimo.com/spectrum-st4-p110.aspx
For this video, the eMotimo spectrum st4 was paired to an Rhino Camera Gear 2 Foot Carbon EVO slider in the above video enabling 3 axis (pan,tilt,slide) using our upcoming adapter cable.
Learn more at: https://emotimo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212075746-Will-the-spectrum-st4-work-with-my-Rhino-EVO-slider
Other instructional videos for the spectrum st4 are out here