KCW Technica are now stocking DSLRstudio Canon lens adapters. Pick the Canon EF lens adapter that suits your older lens and then run through the videos to see the KCW Technica testing of the lens adapter. Or press play on all of the videos at once and crank the volume up for some trippy music.

Canon FD Non-AF to Canon EF

M42 AF Confirm to Canon EF

M42 Non AF Confirm to Canon EF

Minolta MD AF Confirm to Canon EF

Nikon F AF Confirm to Canon EF

Nikon F Non-AF Confirm to Canon EF

Olympus OM to Canon EF

Pentax PK to Canon EF

Please see DSLRstudio for more on their DSLR lens adapters.
Also swing on by KCW Technica to grab yourself a new lens adapter.

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