There are plenty of DIY’ers out there that are hell bent on making what they film look smoother.
A home made Steadicam seems to be very popular choice for the budget minded filmmakers.
Here are a collection of DIY Steadicams for your viewing pleasure. Some really old, mixed in with some new…
How to make • SteadyCam From 2 old Hard Drives
Homemade Steadicam GoPro Tutorial (DIY) // Steadicam Fai da Te per GoPro
How to make a DIY Steadicam™ (Camera counter balance)
DIY gopro camera stabilizer for free – producttank
BEST Homemade Glidecam DIY Tutorial
The Merricam – No-Cost “Steadicam” DIY
Best DIY Steadicam – Cheap Bastards
DIY $13 Camera Stabilizer
Collin McDowell
steadicam on a string
One thing is for sure, if your videos are not getting any game: make a DIY Steadicam and watch the numbers click over.