DitoGear have dropped a new powered slider onto the market called the BD slider.
The BD Slider is configurable, comes in three sizes: 0.6m / 1.0m / 1.5m and is billed as affordable.
Plus there is a 15% discount for preorders going on now.
BD Slider Design fundamentals:
DitoGear BD Slider is one of the most affordable DitoGear products.
The setup is truly portable and lightweight – just under 3.5kg full kit (4.5 including a lithium-ion battery).
The servo motor unit is compact, strong and compatible with all existing DitoGear motion controllers: BD Controller, OmniController, Trito, DragonBridge and Evolution!
BD Slider can be configured as 1-axis system or multiaxis system when you add the OmniHead or any 3rd party pan/tilt head.
BD Slider can run as a motion-controlled unit or as a traditional, plain dolly pushed by hand.
Ultra-high precision of linear bearings combined with large footprint makes it a good foundation for a system built for heavier/larger cameras.
Please see DitoGear for more information about their new BD Slider.