Yep it’s billed as a crash cam for your GoPro camera.

The Alan Gordon Hollywood Impact Cage for the GoPro Hero cameras.

Hollywood Impact Cage

Here is what the guys at EVS Online have to say about the Hollywood Impact Cage:

Use your GoPro Hero3 the way it is meant to be used: extreme POV, risky camera setups, insane camera mounts. Make it all happen while keeping your camera secure and your shots rock-solid and stable, with the new Hollywood Impact Cage from Alan Gordon Enterprises.

The Hollywood Impact Cage is made of precision-machined military-grade aluminum, and features integrated ¼”-20 threaded mounting holes that surround the camera cage.

Hollywood Impact Cage Back

Use the Impact Cage with the Hero underwater housing to deliver maximum protection: crush-proof, crash-proof, and waterproof.

Attach support rails and knuckles directly to the cage to create as many points of contact as necessary. Add accessories such as LED lights, microphones, or other hot shoe accessories directly to the GoPro and create a self-contained setup ready to move from location to location.

For a cost conscious cage you can trust with the full impact of your workload, the Hollywood Impact Cage offers flexibility and protection like no other.

Hollywood Impact Cage Open

Must be going blind as I can’t see it on the Alan Gordon site and only on the EVS Online website for $194.95.

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