Creative Science a Los Angeles based post-production rental and technology company, announced upgrades to their fleet of mobile dailies systems for support of realtime 4K dailies workflows, 48 or 60 frame per second Cinematography, and background rendering of deliverables. Integrating the first dailies software to provide 4K playback for Sony’s F65 RAW and other high-resolution digital cinema cameras, Colorfront On-Set Dailies software and Creative Science mobile systems open up a host of new creative possibilities for filmmakers and studios.

When capturing images using Sony F65RAW, RED Epic 5K or Alexa ARRIRAW and intended for 4K mastering and exhibition, productions will now be able to view and manipulate their raw files in realtime 4K while applying dailies LUTs and color grades, sync sound, and other image processing functions. With this new technology, critical details such as focus and lens attributes can be judged accurately utilizing 4K digital projectors and monitors allowing for the highest quality and precision.

“Dailies are something which myself and my co-founders at Creative Science have always seen as critical,” stated Marco Bario, Partner at Creative Science. “Filmmakers today need precise representation of what’s been captured in order to push the limits of the movie going experience. Our high-end mobile dailies systems make this possible.”

Creative Science Dailies systems with Colorfront’s On-Set Dailies software are powered by hardware featuring state of the art Solid State (SSD) storage arrays for the systems designed and engineered by JMR Electronics. “The ability to process so much data on location in realtime was unheard of until recently,” stated Mitchell Guzik, COO, JMR Electronics. “JMR’s SilverStor™ products combined with our extensive knowledge of demanding workflows provides Creative Science with properly configured hardware to achieve a previously unattainable performance.”

Mobile systems from Creative Science also support the new capability of Colorfront On-Set Dailies to utilize a single workstation for rendering dailies deliverables in the background while working on newly received footage in the foreground. This ability effectively halves the time required to process footage and produce deliverables.

Creative Science’s latest generation of high-performance Dailies systems are now available for rental and can be custom configured to fit the unique needs of any given scenario. The company remains committed to offering emerging technology to studios and filmmakers wherever their creativity may take them.

Pop on over to Creative Science for more details.
Please see On-Set Dailies for more information

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