Quick take gear reviews are so 2010 with vendors demanding more value for giving out their products to “Testers.” Not saying this cage is a freebie; definitely saying though, holy cow an 8 minute gear review of a DSLR Cage.
Well why not give the depth and attention and the respect back to the gear and back to the vendor because they are placing a big responsibility and taking a gamble on you not dropping it as part of the review.
So order a pizza, cancel that hooker and stop stalking on Twitter for a bit because here is 8 minutes on the CPM Filmtools DSLR Cubed Cage 1.0.
Hey LJtutorials do more reviews, we love you:
I am very impressed with how the cage performs. CPM has more rigs and tools for hdslr and most of them are made out of carbon fiber. It’s really convenient to use rods instead of staying with 1 configured style. Many holes to attach accessories as well.
See CPM Filmtools for more information.