From Richard Gale

Cosimo Murgolo’s FF58 – Portishead Beach 2015 from Melting Bloke (Richard Gale) on Vimeo.

More about the FF58 Dog Schidt Optiks Lens:

Our Flare Factory 58 was developed to impart a distinctly analogue and physical character onto digital imagery, and replace some of the tangible aesthetics that have been lost since digital acquisition and a reliance on post production has become commonplace.

Each Flare Factory 58 is engineered, crafted and finished by hand in the UK, using salvaged former USSR and East German optical and mechanical components.

Since each lens is rebuilt and individually configured we are able to apply an almost limitless variety of optical degradations depending on your desired look. This, in combination with our non-production line, craft based approach means each lens leaves us with its own nuances in character.

Whether you want a subtle low contrast lens that absorbs and reacts with the natural ambient hues of your shooting location, a nearly unusable ultra low contrast lens with wild tinted and almost light leak type reactivity to light sources, or a lens that simply imparts oval deformed bokeh to replicate the look from an anamorphic lens system, our FF58 can be configured to deliver these and many other qualities.

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