Via Lindsay Rodriguez, the Cinemoves OCULUS Stabilized Remote Head…
Pan and Tilt Speeds: Up to 400 deg./sec. …(standard and set to 260 degrees per sec.).
Pan, Tilt and Roll Limits: 360 deg. continuous both axis
Roll Speeds: Up to 180 deg. per sec continous.
Weight: 50 lbs. less camera and lens.
Height: 26 to 45 inches (adjustable)
Width: 23.5 inches.
Operating Modes: 2….SpaceCam mimic and ZeDir Pan mode, (allows straight camera pan when looking straight down or up, then returns to horizon level when tilting towards horizon).
Water resistant design.
Video Out: Via fiber optic path with rotary joints permitting unlimited motion in all axes. Multiplexing can provide up to 8 full HD SDI or 3G channels. Also providing wired coaxial path for NTSC standard signal.
System Power Requirement: 22 to 32 VDC,
Operating Temperature Range: -20 deg. – 110 deg./F
Camera Platform Power Conditioner: 13 vdc and 24vdc from independent power conditioner on camera platform
Mounting Positions: Any, top mounted, bottom mounted, cantilevered. (Note: System is able to transition between any mounting orientation during use).
Gimbal Lock: None
Payloads: 75lbs plus
Wired and Wireless operation.
Control inputs: accepts analogue and digital control devices including multiple selection of joysticks as well as SpaceCam DynaGlide wheel control units and Panbar.
Console Features: Pan, Tilt and Roll Joystick or wheels with sensitivity and scaling controls.
Lens drive interface for all popular lens controls
Limit section permitting immediate setting of pan, tilt, roll and zoom.
Motion Control section allow recording and playback of camera moves.
For more: Cinemoves.