Please make sure you get the updated 154 VW Canon DSLR Picture Styles / Picture Profiles. Be sure to download and please Tweet for others to come get it as well. Cheers.

We have updated our collection of Canon Picture Styles that we have picked up from around the Web. This is not a complete Picture Style collection by any means but just a huge dab of the 123 styles we like to use from time to time. Hope you like them too.
So if you work with Canon DSLR cameras you will ask yourself at some stage this question “To shoot Flat or not to shoot Flat” as in to film with minimum saturation and contrast then manipulate in Post. This is not a piece on arguing for or against Shooting Flat as it may surprise you that some Shooters and Snappers out there like to have a baked in style at the coal face. It may be through experience, arrogance or sheer stupidity but for whatever reason there is a percentage of image manipulators out there that like to use Picture Styles that don’t contain the word Flat in them.

Everyone should have a preferred set of Picture Styles that they use on jobs other than the stock standard in camera ones supplied by Canon.
If you never venture away from the presets are you really getting the most out of the camera and yourself?

So help yourself to 123 simply stunning Canon Picture Styles including the Technicolor CineStyle and others collected from different people and places on the interweb. We didn’t make them but are grateful to the talented people who did.
If you use them and like them then seek out the creator and thank them. If you do normally Shoot Flat then experiment with a few of the styles next when snapping / shooting or try a few picture styles filming or taking stills with a Baked In Look.
Go on live a little on the wild side.

Thanks to @VisionWrangler for supplying the collection of Canon Picture Styles.

Download Canon Picture Styles
SEE TOP OF PAGE FOR UPDATED 154 FILE: VW Collection Canon Picture Styles

How to add Canon Picture Styles to your Canon camera.

Special thanks to Martin Beek for his efforts in providing Canon Pictures Styles that so many of us have enjoyed using.

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