Kinemini KRW Vs ProRes XQ Vs DNG

Thanks to Eduardo Garcia for suppling some Kinemini KRW footage verses ProRes XQ, verses DNG footage. Kinemini KRW vs ProRes XQ vs DNG from Eduardo Garcia on Vimeo. I did this test to see the difference i... Read More...

KineMax KineLOG LUT Test

Adrian Sapota has been out and about getting some Kinefinity KineMax KineLOG LUT love. KineMax KineLOG LUT test from Adrian sapota on Vimeo. Kine MAX test with Kine LOG LUT, no color correction, no LUT in... Read More...

KineRAW Mini Camera and Movcam:

Quick one for you: the Kinefinity KineRAW Mini camera with Movcam cladding... Grabbed a few screen grabs from the Chinese microblogging website Weibo courtesy of Color Monk. KineRAW Mini Came... Read More...