What is Protune 3.0

This is straight from the creator of Protune 3.0, GoPro's David Newman. There is new firmware out for your HERO4 Black and Silver cameras, and it adds a key feature most often requested by professionals,... Read More...

3D 2.0 Is Coming Thanks to GoPro

At the 27th annual Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference held in San Francisco, CA USA, GoPro Senior Manager Advanced Products Tim Macmillan presented what's new with multi-cam array at Time-Slice F... Read More...

GoPro Spherical Sneak Peek

filmbot AKA Jim Geduldick is the GoPro Cinema, Broadcast & Photo Marketing Manager and he happened to let out a sneak peek of the GoPro Spherical 360 VR Video camera on his Instagram account. So along wi... Read More...