Here is a much anticipated treat from The Helicopter Girls

ALEXA Mini in Mürren from The Helicopter Girls on Vimeo.

Captured with the ALEXA Mini in Mürren, Switzerland.

In March we took the ALEXA Mini prototype and Teradek Bolt 2000 Pro with our crew of four to the tricky filming environment of the Schilthorn. The plan was to use a variety of movement to capture the descent, from MōVI with Easyrig and Serene to fig rig on a tandem paraglider to handheld on a snowboard.

Thanks to equipment sponsors Arri and Teradek and to post production sponsor ClearCut Pictures.

Thanks also to location sponsors Mürren Tourism and Schilthornbahn.

Photography Heiko Knauer
MöVI Operator Mark Berry
UAV Pilot Denis Stretton

Editor Maggie Ward
Sound Design Greg Gettens
Colourist Jon Dobson
Online Editor Sam Mangan

Original composed music by Benji Merrison

Additional thanks to

Michael Jonas
SUPPENALP – Simon Bachler
Mary Clare ‘mc’ Parnell
Julia M. Spiegel Lunn
Dominik Wickli
Colin Stone
Heinz Rubi
Martin Schurmann
Bruno Arnold
Daniel Abplanalp

Bonus BTS: ARRI ALEXA Mini Camera in Mürren

Behind the scenes with ALEXA Mini in Mürren from The Helicopter Girls on Vimeo.

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