Kim Jansen walks you through some 3-axis gimbal basics, then moves on to set ups and fine tuning the gimbals.

1. Gimbal introduction from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

Gimbal tuning tutorial videos, The goal is to keep each video shorter than 5 minutes. These videos will introduce new BaseCam 32 bit firmware 2.59 with much improved auto tuning and many other new features. I hope you find them helpful.

This video is: Gimbal introduction, introducing the LeViteZer prototype gimbal used on making these videos.

2. Basic tuning part 1 – Gimbal construction and balancing from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

3. Installing BaseCam User Interface and Drivers from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

4. Saving settings and Upgrading Firmware from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

5. Basic tuning part 2 – IMU orientation/calibration and motor parameters. from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

6. First PID tuning from factory defaults from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

7. Activating frame IMU and second PID tuning from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

690 mm handheld with gimbal. from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

2.1 Changing configuration from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

9. RC control setup from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

10. 690 mm handheld setup from Kim Janson on Vimeo.

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