Playing catch up on a few stories and well, why not start with a camera that is already late.
Anyway Joe and crew have banged out a little vid showing off the finished body of the D16 Digital Bolex camera. Interestingly this video was panned widely on CML yet praised immensely on Vimeo. Perhaps that says something about Pro and Indie cultures right there. Also the control buttons on the D16 camera’s finished body look like every TV remote I have ever fingered. Maybe it will change the channels on your new 4K UHDTV.
The Finished Body is in, we have a blog coming up with lots of high res pictures, but we couldn’t wait to get this out there and show you guys!
This is the finished camera body in the correct materials with the correct surfaces! Still a few cosmetic changes we want to update — lighter color screws to blend better with the siding — but you’re looking at the first built camera!
The Digital Bolex crew have also documented their concept, design, form function, and feature changes since the idea was first put forward to make a new D16 Digital Bolex camera, all nutted out in a post on their Blog called 100 Changes. Sticking to their guns and going against the current camera manufactures grain of releasing a new camera model every three, two, eighteen months, in fact within the year it seems. The Digital Bolex guys instead want their D16 camera to last you five years minimum.
For more on the Digital Bolex D16 camera seek out Joe and crew over at Digital Bolex.