A new update of slimRAW has been released. Version 1.6 adds a 5:1 constant bit rate CinemaDNG raw compression as well as two modes of variable bit rate lossy CinemaDNG compression in addition to the previously available 3:1 and 4:1 options. There is also a new widely compatible logarithmically encoded lossless compression mode, which offers further space savings while still keeping the original great image quality untouched. The expanded range of raw compression modes serves a variety of needs and makes high resolution raw video acquisition practical.


slimRAW is a fast CinemaDNG compressor which saves storage space and reduces storage bandwidth requirements for CinemaDNG raw video production. slimRAW converts uncompressed CinemaDNG raw video to losslessly or lossily compressed CinemaDNG. slimRAW can also recompress and optimize size of CinemaDNG video that is already losslessly compressed, or convert lossy raw to lossless raw for increased compatibility with CinemaDNG video production software. slimRAW doubles as a CinemaDNG raw video DIT utility: it can offload raw video from camera or recorder media to two storage locations simultaneously with on-the-fly lossless or lossy compression, checksum generation and verification, while preserving all the original metadata.

slimRAW optimizes DNG stills and enables importing DNG stills and timelapses in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

slimRAW is available for Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X.

For a list of supported cameras, compatible video production software and more information about slimRAW visit: https://www.slimraw.com

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